How Many Heroes Are There in Dota 2?

Dota 2, the immensely popular online multiplayer game developed by Valve Corporation, is known for its diverse cast of characters, also known as heroes. These heroes are the foundation of the game, and each one comes with unique abilities, strengths, and weaknesses. As a player, understanding the total number of heroes available in Dota 2 is essential for devising effective strategies and mastering different playstyles. In this article, we will explore and dive into the intriguing world of Dota 2 heroes and their incredible variety.

For more information about Dota 2 heroes visit GameTree.

1. The Evolution of Dota 2 Heroes

Dota 2 started as a mod for Warcraft III and has since evolved into a standalone game with a massive roster of heroes. Initially, the game featured a limited selection of heroes, but with each update and the addition of new content, the hero pool expanded significantly.

2. The Current Hero Roster

As of the latest update, Dota 2 boasts an impressive collection of heroes. Currently, there are over 120 heroes available for players to choose from, each with its distinct set of skills and attributes. This extensive selection provides players with an abundance of choices, allowing them to find heroes that align with their preferred playstyle.

3. Role-Based Hero Classification

Dota 2 heroes are categorized into various roles, such as Carry, Support, Offlane, and Midlane. Each role serves a specific purpose within the game, and players must understand these roles to form balanced and efficient teams.

3.1 Carry Heroes

Carry heroes are late-game powerhouses who start off relatively weak but can become formidable as the game progresses. They are responsible for dealing massive damage and securing victories during the latter stages of the match.

3.2 Support Heroes

Support heroes focus on aiding their teammates rather than dealing damage themselves. They provide healing, crowd control, and vision, making them crucial in ensuring the survival and success of the team.

3.3 Offlane Heroes

Offlane heroes are durable and disruptive, meant to thrive in the top and bottom lanes. They often hinder the enemy’s progress and create space for their team to farm and gain an advantage.

3.4 Midlane Heroes

Midlane heroes are versatile and often possess high burst damage. They play a critical role in gaining map control and securing early advantages for their team.

4. The Process of Adding New Heroes

Valve regularly introduces new heroes to keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. However, adding a new hero is a meticulous process that involves careful consideration of game balance and mechanics. From concept to implementation, it can take several months before a new hero becomes available for players to try out.

5. How to Choose the Right Hero

Selecting the right hero can significantly impact a player’s performance in Dota 2. It is essential to consider factors such as team composition, the enemy lineup, and individual playstyle when making a choice.

6. Balancing and Patches

Maintaining balance in a game with an extensive hero roster is an ongoing challenge. Developers continually analyze data, listen to player feedback, and release regular patches to ensure that no hero becomes too overpowered or underwhelming.

7. The Impact of Heroes on Dota 2’s Meta

The introduction of new heroes or significant changes to existing ones can shift the meta—the prevailing strategies and popular hero picks within the game. Understanding and adapting to the current meta is crucial for competitive players.

8. The Future of Dota 2 Heroes

With Dota 2’s ever-growing player base and the dedication of its developers, the future promises to bring even more exciting additions to the hero roster. Players can look forward to diverse and innovative characters that will continue to shape the game’s landscape.


In conclusion, Dota 2 offers an astonishing variety of heroes, each contributing to the game’s depth and complexity. The ever-evolving hero roster ensures that players always have something new to explore and master. Choosing the right hero and understanding their strengths and weaknesses are essential for success in this captivating world of Dota 2.


Q: How often are new heroes added to Dota 2? A: Valve introduces new heroes periodically, usually with major updates.

Q: Can heroes be banned in Dota 2?

A: Yes, during the draft phase, teams can ban heroes to prevent their opponents from picking them.

Q: Are all heroes free to play in Dota 2?

A: Yes, all heroes are available for free, and players can access the entire hero pool without any cost.

Q: Are there any limitations on the number of heroes a player can master?

A: No, players can learn and master as many heroes as they desire.

Q: How can I stay updated on the latest hero releases and changes?

A: Following Dota 2’s official website and social media channels will provide you with up-to-date information.